Computer Services

ATS also makes “house calls”, where we can dispatch a crew to your home or workplace within a matter of hours.

Below are a few of the services we provide

Our experienced technicians provide assistance in a wide variety of categories. We have provided customers with extensive knowledge for more than a decade, and we can help you get your computer or network up and running immediately!


Whether your computer is running slow or recently crashed. ATS can get you back on track


Nothing can disable a computer quicker than a virus or spyware, and it can come without you even realizing it.

Wireless Networks

While a wireless network helps keep your home or business connected, an unsecured network can leave you with security problems. ATS can set up your network with the highest security

Data Recovery & System Backup Services

Get Secured With SecuredStore

What would happen if all of that data disappeared due to a power surge, virus, or simply one wrong click? If you do not have a proper backup system in place, it could take days or weeks to replace everything that was lost.


Keeps your files safe and free from hackers


Backups and Restores your computers state minutes before you have been hit with a virus

Computer Training Services

Our certified computer experts can help you with any computer subject, from walking you through your email program to showing you how to work with Word® documents, with advanced business functions and even server installs. We want you to feel comfortable and current with your computer programs and peripheral equipment.


Need to know more about the latest version of Windows® or how to update your operating system?

Microsoft Office

Looking to get more out of your Microsoft Office® programs, such as learning how to create and implement formulas on a spreadsheet in Excel®?


Want to learn how to customize and optimize your email account for faster, more efficient inter-office communications? Need your calendar set up to invite colleagues to events and meetings, interactively?

Social Media

Need to how to create, communicate and maintain your social media accounts? (Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus). Looking into effective solutions to maintain, update and organize your different files?

Customer Support

Customer service is our #1 goal at ATS

No matter what aspect of your home computer system or your IT work environment you would like to focus on, our skilled technicians are there for you, with same day service in some states.

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